Impact investing

by Entrepreneurs du Monde

We support companies with a strong social mission in their change of scale and we guarantee their social mission over the long term.

Discover our levers of action

Our social impact finance

Logo Microfinance SolidaireLogo InVestisseurs Solidaires

To grow and scale the social enterprises created and incubated, Entrepreneurs du Monde has developed two simplified joint stock companies: Solidarity microfinance and Solidarity Investors.

In 2023, around twenty social enterprises in 13 countries were supported. So, more than 400,000 families are supported each year in order to bring them out of great precariousness in a sustainable manner.

404 629
micro-entrepreneurs supported
93 M€
of portfolio of assets
average loan

Our impact

Social enterprises incubated and supported by the Entrepreneurs du Monde ecosystem have a strong social and environmental impact.

Through their activities, they contribute to responding to sustainable development goals following:

Bénéficiaire souriante d'Entrepreneurs du Monde

Example of incubated social enterprises


WAKILI helps vulnerable women and men to sustainably develop their income-generating activity and improve the well-being of their families, with particular attention to people with disabilities or living with HIV.

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Assilassimé supports vulnerable people who are excluded from traditional financial institutions. It offers microloans without guarantees or guarantees, as well as essential services that promote socio-economic emancipation.

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