Our two investment funds

Solidarity Microfinance and Solidarity Investors are two SAS under French law, created by Entrepreneurs du Monde to develop and grow its social enterprises. These two complementary companies provide loans and capital to incubated social enterprises. They are E.S.U.S. approved.

Microfinance Solidaire

Debt contribution for incubated social enterprises

Financed by debt and capital
Created in 2010
S.A.S under French law
Independent monitoring committee
Member of the Supervisory Committee appointed by Entrepreneurs du Monde
E.S.U.S rules in the statutes
Portfolio of €10.9 million as at 31/12/2023
Balance sheet total: €12 million
Logo Microfinance Solidaire

Solidarity microfinance is a Simplified Joint Stock Company with a capital of 3 995 676€. Its head office is located at 33 Cours Albert Thomas - 69003 Lyon, France

Solidarity microfinance was created at the initiative of the Entrepreneurs du Monde association in 2010 for provide funding to organizations with high social and environmental added value based in developing countries.

Solidarity microfinance has as its main objective tosupporting social enterprises in their financing strategy by implementing solutions such as ordinary and/or senior and/or subordinate loans, guarantees and capital investments

Social Solidarity Enterprise (ESUS)

Finansol label, which guarantees solidarity and transparency

InVestisseurs Solidaires

Capital contribution for incubated social enterprises

Funded by capital
Created in 2021
S.A.S under French law
Independent Investment Committee
E.S.U.S rules in the statutes
Members of the supervisory committee appointed by Entrepreneurs du Monde
Logo InVestisseurs Solidaires

Solidarity Investors is a Simplified Joint Stock Company with a capital of 760,000€. Its head office is located at 33 cours Albert Thomas - 69003 Lyon, France.

Solidarity Investors was created at the initiative of the Entrepreneurs du Monde association in 2021 and with the aim of creating, holding participations, supporting and supporting social enterprises in developing countries.

By investing in their capital, Investors Solidaires strengthens the equity of these social enterprises and accelerates their growth. Investors Solidaires, thanks to the network of operational partners of Entrepreneurs du Monde, acts as close as possible to the field and can provide these social enterprises with significant financing through capital investment, as soon as their social added value is validated and their economic model is proven.

Solidarity company
of social utility (ESUS)

Social and environmental impact
at the heart of our action

The vision that led to the creation of the Entrepreneurs du Monde ecosystem, and in particular companies Solidarity Microfinance and Solidarity Investors is as follows:

An equitable and sustainable world where each person has access to basic services, can undertake, emancipate themselves and ensure their well-being, that of their family and their community, while maintaining the planet.

Solidarity Microfinance and Solidarity Investors pursue as their main objective the search for social utility and a social and environmental impact., which is manifested by:
- The contribution to the fight against social exclusion and inequalities, by supporting the development of social microfinance activities aimed at promoting the economic autonomy of people in very precarious situations.
- The fight against energy poverty and the support of sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions, through the financing of investments that allow beneficiaries to access modern, clean and economic energy.

Thanks to their financing solutions and to the close collaboration with the teams of the Entrepreneurs du Monde ecosystem, Solidarity Microfinance and Solidarity Investors will eventually be able to reach, in the next 10 years, directly or indirectly, more than 4 million vulnerable people.

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