
Assilassimé supports vulnerable people who are excluded from traditional financial institutions. It offers microloans without guarantees or guarantees, as well as essential services that promote socio-economic emancipation.

Year of creation

Key figures

41,357 beneficiaries
87% of women
23% in rural areas
10 agencies
Average loan amount: €304

The most vulnerable, especially women who have gone to school for less time, are having a hard time finding a job. The only way to survive and then gain independence is to undertake an income-generating activity. So overnight, these men and women start either a small business, a small restaurant, a breeding farm, a craft workshop (sewing, hairdressing, shoemaking...). But in order to develop and maintain this activity, they need support.

In 2012, Entrepreneurs du Monde initiated Assilassimé (Hand in Hand in the Ewe language) to support vulnerable people excluded from traditional financial institutions.

It is unique in the microfinance landscape in Togo because it does not require guarantees or guarantees. Beyond microloans, the team provides essential services that promote sustainable socio-economic emancipation such as savings, training, social support. For three consecutive years, Assilassimé has been integrating agricultural training into its plan and providing farmers with highly qualified agronomists helping them to make their crops profitable.

The beneficiaries are organized in groups of 25 to 40 people in order to socialize with each other, exchange their practices, and encourage each other to progress together. Everyone is supported for as long as necessary for the implementation or development of their micro-enterprise. Methodical monitoring of social performance makes it possible to verify that the living conditions of the beneficiaries are improving.

Initiated in 2012 by Entrepreneurs du Monde, Assilassimé is now an associative structure under Togolese law. In 2015, it obtained its license to carry out microfinance activities and has since applied for authorization to collect savings. At the end of 2018, it achieved operational viability. Entrepreneurs du Monde continues to support it in its governance and strategic choices.

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