A solid ecosystem

To meet the challenges of including the most vulnerable, we must deploy and sustain our actions. We have therefore developed a complete ecosystem that gives us the means to support our local organizations for longer, to maintain their social mission and their capacity for innovation.nous devons déployer et pérenniser nos actions.

Nous avons donc développé un écosystème complet qui nous donne les moyens d’accompagner nos organisations locales plus longtemps, de maintenir leur mission sociale et leur capacité d’innovation.

4 stages of incubation of social enterprises

Several steps are essential to ensure the sustainability of our social enterprises.

Feasibility study

12 months
Distance study
Field visit
Business plan
Recruiting a manager

Entity creation

6 to 12 months
Creating the structure
Recruiting and training the team
Setting up procedures
Steering committee

Development and growth

6 to 8 years
Deficits covered by Entrepreneurs du Monde
Working capital financed by Microfinance Solidaire
Structuring the social enterprise

Change of scale

9 years and older
End of deficit financing
Capital contribution by Investor Solidaire
Dilution with control over the social mission

Entrepreneurs du Monde,
an NGO with 25 years of experience

Entrepreneurship is sometimes the only option to get your family out of extreme precariousness. It becomes a powerful lever for autonomy when vulnerable entrepreneurs are supported.

Since 1998, Entrepreneurs du Monde has been giving vulnerable entrepreneurs access to the tools they need to develop their business:
- Loans without collateral to reach the poorest
- Compulsory training and personalized follow-up
- Savings and mutual services
- Access to sustainable energy

An effective and innovative methodology to help the most vulnerable become autonomous.

An experienced team


President and Operations Manager

Franck Renaudin

Founder of Entrepreneurs du Monde - Member of the supervisory committee

Jean-Paul Bernardini

Chairman of the Supervisory Committee

Sébastien DURAND

Administrative and financial manager


Legal manager

Ariane Marie Stella OPOSSI

Partnership monitoring officer

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