Palmis Eneji

PALMIS Enèji supports people in a situation of fuel poverty. It makes it easier for them to access economical, clean and modern cooking and lighting equipment that is more efficient.

Year of creation

Key figures

5,170 families equipped
25,850 indirect beneficiaries
2,365 distributed solar equipment
45 improved homes released
963 LPG equipment distributed

56% of Haitian households suffer from fuel poverty. Lacking access to gas, they use charcoal, which is expensive and causes fatigue, harmful smoke, and forest cover collapse (3.5% of the country today, compared to 20% in 1978). 30 million trees are cut annually and no reforestation project comes to replace them. Moreover, access to electrical energy is a major problem: even for the few households officially connected to the grid, electricity is intermittent.

Entrepreneurs du Monde created PALMIS Enèji in 2012 for these people in energy poverty. It makes it easier for them to access economical, clean and modern cooking and lighting equipment that is more efficient. The impact of PALMIS Enèji products on the health, financial situation and environment of these vulnerable people is tangible. And PALMIS Eneji lamps are powered by renewable solar energy.

PALMIS Enèji has created a brand and a network of micro-franchised retailers to distribute adapted, innovative and efficient equipment (solar lighting kits, gas stoves and improved wood/charcoal fireplaces) at affordable prices and payment terms. Its action includes community awareness and capacity building. The team is also developing partnerships with major accounts to reach a greater number of families more quickly.

PALMIS Eneji achieved legal autonomy in 2014: it became a public limited company under Haitian law with a social vocation. PALMIS Enèji finances its development through an innovative mix between equity participation, loans and grants. In 2020, socio-political unrest slowed the company's growth and caused its operational self-sufficiency to fall to 69%. Entrepreneurs du Monde continues to support this social enterprise until it becomes autonomous, including in difficult times.

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