MIVO Energie

MIVO Energie is a Togolese association created in 2013 and which facilitates access to modern and efficient equipment: solar lamps, gas stoves and improved fuel-efficient fireplaces.

Year of creation

Key figures

6,971 families equipped
27,885 indirect beneficiaries
1,380 distributed solar equipment
2,837 improved homes distributed
4,497 GPL equipment distributed

The use of rudimentary cooking and lighting equipment has dramatic economic, health and environmental consequences. The poorest spend a large part of their budget there and inhale harmful fumes that claim as many victims every year as AIDS and malaria combined. In addition, the massive use of biomass for cooking on these inefficient equipment contributes to deforestation. Finally, fuel poverty particularly affects women: they are responsible for supplying wood and charcoal and are the most exposed to toxic fumes.

Entrepreneurs du Monde initiated the Togolese association MIVO Energie (We are thrilled in the local Ewé language) in 2013 to facilitate access to modern and efficient equipment: solar lamps, gas stoves and improved fuel-efficient fireplaces. They have an immediate impact on health, the budget and the environment. Improved fireplaces reduce the consumption of wood or charcoal and the emission of harmful fumes. Gas stoves, on the other hand, completely eliminate both.

MIVO Energie selected a range of lamps and stoves and created a brand and marketing materials. It recruits and then trains distributors and establishes partnerships with major accounts to quickly reach a large number of families. It also supports local artisans who produce stoves. Finally, it organizes awareness-raising campaigns and facilitates access to equipment by offering Energy loans.

Entrepreneurs du Monde supports the structuring and development of MIVO Energie on all levels: legal, operational and financial. The MIVO Energie association is managed by a competent and highly involved operational team and board of directors. Entrepreneurs du Monde accompanies them until they are empowered, in particular for the management of social performance. Since the end of 2020, MIVO Energie has been managed by a Togolese Deputy Director.

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