
FANSOTO supports vulnerable populations in the Ziguinchor and Matam regions in the development of income-generating activities. It offers them financial and non-financial services.

Year of creation

Key figures

18,869 beneficiaries
99% of women
55% in rural areas
7 agencies
Average loan amount: €252

In Casamance, scarred by a 30-year armed conflict, insecurity in the villages caused major population movements to cities (Ziguinchor and Bignona), in poor, semi-rural peripheral neighborhoods lacking infrastructure. Formal jobs are extremely rare and people survive by running a small business, sewing workshop, livestock, consumer family farming, etc. But their precarious situation limits their ability to develop and maintain these income-generating activities.

For five years, FANSOTO has been supporting vulnerable populations in the Ziguinchor and Matam regions in the development of income-generating activities (AGR). It offers them financial services (savings and microcredit) and non-financial services (training, social monitoring and support). Some beneficiaries who have already developed their business well want to better structure it and move on to very small businesses (VSEs). To help them in this stage, FANSOTO grants them greater credit, specific training and individualized follow-up.

Beneficiaries organize themselves in small groups and access a savings account and individual loans, without deposit or guarantee, of an amount adapted to each. At each meeting with the group, the facilitator provides economic or social training to strengthen their activity and their place in the family and community. Each also benefits from individualized support until success. The most vulnerable (those with HIV or a disability) are referred to specialized state services for additional support.

Since its creation, Entrepreneurs du Monde has supported FANSOTO on 9 key points: operations management, SIG, social performance, strategic planning, administrative and financial management, governance, HR management, risk management, risk management, risk management, advocacy & fund raising. FANSOTO is now an association under local law, with a savings and credit approval, statutes and internal regulations that govern its organization and operation. At the end of 2021, Fansoto had operational viability of 40%.

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